Friday, February 1, 2008

Too many lies about oha, too little time to respond

I am going to try and shed some light in this blog to help folks understand that so much of what they hear about OHA - from the far left and far right -- is just wrong.  Due to idiocy, ignorance, malice, or a combination, I am not sure.

Let's take a look at the latest post from ohalies referring to an oha phone bank meant to answer beneficiary questions about the public land trust revenue settlement. "Ms. Linda Gomes" states:

There is no doubt that the use of trust funds and government property to lobby support for the Ceded Land Settlement is unethical. This is a clear violation of beneficiary trust. OHA should not be utilizing trust funds and government property to lobby for public support, particularly the beneficiaries, pertaining to the Ceded Land Settlement and their 2008 Legislative Package. This is clear evidence that OHA is a Broken Trust.

Apparently "Linda" hasn't read either the Hawai'i State Constitution or Hawaii Revised Statutes Chapter 10. Both obligate -- require -- that OHA advocate on behalf of Hawaiians. Obviously, advocacy includes lobbying. What issue could be more important for OHA to advocate on than the settlement --to be paid a minimal amount of funds that the law requires, income that has been unpaid for three decades? This is more like clear evidence that ohalies is a broken record...grasping at straws for whatever bitter personal agenda that writer has.